A large scale survey by ComputerWeekly reveals IT spending priorities for the year ahead. They report that the results are clear – organisations are looking to move to the cloud.

The 2018 UK IT Priorities Survey from ComputerWeekly found that for many businesses and IT decision-makers, this year is the cusp of the big move to the cloud. Systems management tools are where many expect to be spending this year. System monitoring saw 20% plus jump from 2017 to 2018 in terms of priority.

The survey reported that enterprises across Europe are committed to upgrading and consolidating datacentres for a mix of efficiency, performance and cloud-readiness improvements.

Of the 1,875 IT decision-makers who took part in the survey, about one-third (29%) said that upgrading their data centre infrastructure – including cooling systems, power supply servers – is their top priority. This equates to a year-on-year rise of 44%.

It’s clear why there is a shift in moving to a virtual platform. Moving to the cloud can help to dramatically reduce long term IT costs. Even single server infrastructures can benefit and the cost saving can be really surprising.

Typical system savings cloud

Other benefits including flexibility, efficiency and scalability. See our blog post on why move to the cloudfor more information about the benefits of moving.

If you need any support with moving to the cloud– WestSpring IT are here to help. For a free, no obligation quote for cloud migrating get in contact with our team today.