What is GDPR?
On 25th May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced across Europe, including the UK. The new legislation aims to provide a set of standardised data protection laws.
What does GDPR mean for businesses?
GDPR is fast approaching and is set to have a huge impact on businesses in the UK. Every business that holds data will have to ensure that it is stored, secured and managed in a way that is compliant with the new regulations.
What are WestSpring IT doing to help clients prepare for GDPR?
Gearing up for GDPR can be a big burden for small businesses – probably far more than they can cope with using in-house resources alone.
If you would like to talk to us about whether you are GDPR compliant or need help decoding GDPR, then get in contact with the WestSpring team today.