Recent Scams – Sept/Oct 2024

Recent Scams – Sept/Oct 2024

Here’s a round up of the latest scams and data breaches to look out for and how to stay safe. Dating App security flaws What’s the threat? Security flaws have been found in popular dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble and OkCupid. Users are at risk of sharing their...
How to avoid getting hacked

How to avoid getting hacked

Are you worried about getting caught out by these sly hackers? Phishing emails are becoming more and more popular and raise a big concern for a lot of people these days. But don’t worry, we can help you out. To keep on top of these hackers, we recommend people to be...
Don’t be a victim of Black Friday

Don’t be a victim of Black Friday

Being able to shop for practically anything from the comfort of your own home is great for avoiding people, queues and having to get dressed! But online shopping has the additional risks of getting scammed. Shopping events such as Black Friday / Cyber Monday provide...
Recent Scams – September / October 2023

Recent Scams – September / October 2023

Here’s a round up of the latest scams and phishing attacks to look out for. Scammers are getting more sophisticated with their methods to catch us out. Where bad grammar or typos were once a sure-fire way of identifying a scam email, now phishing attacks can be almost...
Why having a strong password is not enough

Why having a strong password is not enough

If you want to protect yourself against cyber attacks, having a strong password is definitely the first port of call. However, adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) also referred to as two-factor authentication (2FA) is a great way to add an additional layer of...